A selection of publications by the SERC team during 2017
Tucker, S.I., Lommatsch, C. W., Moyer-Packenham, P.S., Anderson-Pence, K.L., & Symanzik, J. (2017). Kindergarten children’s interactions with touchscreen mathematics virtual manipulatives: An innovative mixed methods analysis. International Journal of Research in Education and Science, 3(2), 646-665.
Resnick, I., Davatzes, A., Newcombe. N. S., & Shipley, T. F. (2017). Using analogy to learn about phenomena at scales outside of human perception. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 2, 21-38.
Ramful, A., Lowrie T., & Logan, T. (2017). Measurement of spatial ability: Construction and validation of the spatial reasoning instrument for middle school students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35(7), 709-727.
Patahuddin, S., Lowrie, R., & Lowrie, T. (2018). ELPSA learning design to develop conceptual understandings of algebraic equivalence: The use of ribbons. Australian Mathematics Teacher, 74(4).
Ormand, C. J., Shipley, T. F., Tikoff, B., Dutrow, B. L., Goodwin, L., B., Hickson, T. A., Atit, K., Gagnier, K. M., & Resnick, I. (2017). The spatial thinking workbook: A research-validated spatial skills curriculum for geology majors. Journal of Geoscience Education, 65(4), 423-434.
Mutohir, T. C., Lowrie, T., & Patahuddin, S. M. (2018). The Development of a student survey on attitudes towards mathematics teaching-learning processes. Journal on Mathematics Education, 9(1), 1-14.
Lowrie, T., Downes, N., & Leonard, S. (2017). STEM education for all young Australians
Lowrie, T., Logan, T., & Ramful, A. (2017). Visuospatial training improves elementary students’ mathematics performance. British Journal of Education Psychology, 87, 170-186.
Lommatsch, C. W. (2017). Calculus in your career: Putting the “relate” back in related rates. Mathematics Teacher, 111(2), 112-118.
Logan, T., & Lowrie, T. (2017). Gender perspectives on spatial tasks in a national assessment: A secondary data analysis. Research in Mathematics Education, 19(2), 199-216.
Johar, R., Patahuddin, S. M., & Widjaja, W. (2017). Linking pre-service teachers’ questioning and students’ strategies in solving contextual problems: A case study in Indonesia and the Netherlands. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 14(1), 101-128.