A selection of publications by the SERC team in 2020

Lowrie, T. (2020). The utility of diagrams in elementary problem-solving. Cognitive Development, 55(July-September).

Lowrie, T., Resnick, I., Harris, D., & Logan, T. (2020). In search of the mechanisms that enable transfer from spatial reasoning to mathematics understanding. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 32(2), 175-188.

Lowrie, T. & Larkin, K. (2020). Experience, represent, apply (ERA): A heuristic for digital engagement in the early yearsBritish Journal of Educational Technology, 51(1), 131-147.

Logan T. (2020). A practical, iterative framework for secondary data analysis in educational research. Australian Educational Researcher, 47, 129-148.

Simoncini, K., Forndran, A., Manson, E., Sawi, J., Philip, M., & Kokinai, C. (2020). The Impact of Block Play on Children’s Early Mathematics Skills in Rural Papua New Guinea. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52, 77-93.

Valcan, D.S., Davis, H.L., Pino-Pasternak, D., & Malpique, A.A. (2020). Executive functioning as a predictor of children’s mathematics, reading and writingJournal of Applied Developmental Psychology70.

Resnick, I., Harris, D., Logan, T., & Lowrie, T. (2020). The relation between mathematics achievement and spatial reasoning. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 32(2), 171-174.

Pino-Pasternak, D. & Volet, S. (2020). Starting and staying strong: pre-service primary teachers’ attitudinal profiles towards science learning and their outcomes in an introductory science unit. The Australian Educational Researcher.

Patahuddin, S.M., Rokhmah, S. & Ramful, A. (2020). What does teaching of spatial visualisation skills incur: an exploration through the visualise-predict-check heuristicMathematics Education Research Journal , 32(2), 307-329.

Patahuddin, S. M., Rokhmah, S., & Lowrie, T. (2020). Indonesian Mathematics Teachers’ and Educators’ Perspectives on Social Media Platforms: The Case of Educational Facebook GroupsThe Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 1-10.