The SERC team have undertaken a number of classroom-based spatial interventions in recent years.
ELSA pre-school program
The Early Learning STEM Australia program saw spatial intervention implemented in pre-schools across the country with impacts on spatial and numeracy learning (Resnick & Lowrie, 2023).

First primary program
A landmark study published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology (Lowrie et al., 2017) immersed students in a spatial environment for ten weeks and resulted in improvements in spatial reasoning and mathematics.

Primary program with digital tools
A subsequent study, published in the Journal of Cognition and Development (Lowrie et al., 2019) used a three-week intervention, enhanced by digital tools in geographically diverse classrooms.

High school program
The intervention was transferred to a high school setting to assess its impact in year 8 classrooms (Lowrie et al., 2021).

Grade 4 program with digital tools
Lowrie and Logan implemented a program with pedagogy and digital tools in Grade 4 classrooms with impacts on spatial learning and mathematics performance.

Indonesian program
SERC PhD candidate Destina Winarti conducted a spatial intervention with year 8 students in Indonesia which resulted in dramatic improvements in mathematics performance for the intervention group.